
Der Materialspezialist Tomahawk Next Generation

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With the new TOMAHAWK material blade, another top product with outstanding play qualities comes on the market.In collaboration with one of the biggest table tennis blade manufacturers, this material blade was successfully developed with play characteristics like never before.TOMAHAWK was designed especially for smooth anti- and long pips rubbers and is suited in particular for all material players who prefer disruptive defensive play at the table.Alongside its extremely light construction, TOMAHAWK offers a soft and highly controlled ball contact with an extremely flat trajectory.In combination with the new NIGHTMARE smooth anti, the TOMAHAWK allows you to place extremely short and flat shots on the other side of the table.With an easy "handhold block," strong and heavy topspin loops can be returned unpleasantly short with maximum spin reversal. On the opposite side of the table, these balls will brake abruptly and violently drop down.TOMAHAWK offers maximum control and effective passive play.On the other side you can use inverted or short pips for excellent topspins and deadly smashes.The new TOMAHAWK is the perfect tool to play an extreme disruption defense at the table with smooth antis or long pips.

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Der Materialspezialist
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