
DHS Skyline 3-60 Mid-Hard

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CONTROL + LOOPSticky Rubber + Soft Elastic SpongeSkyline 3-60: classic sticky rubber + new soft elastic spongeClassic Skyline 3, equipped with a soft and elastic 60 sponge, bringsa unique sense of depth with ball contact.Skyline 3-60 is designed with a unique sponge-rubber combination. Itabsorbs and responds rapidly on ball contact, providing for excellentelasticity and speed. Such dynamic properties make Skyline 3-60 idealfor continuous and high strength loop attacks. Minimal effort isneeded. The soft elastic 60 sponge and pliable rubber is perfect formaking fast attacks and subtle technical changes with the wrist, todeceive the opponent.Skyline 3-60 generates strong and changeable spin. Supported by softelastic sponge, the sticky rubber optimizes such spin potential.Players using Skyline 3-60 will not be limited to one certain type ofloop but have the option of making varied loop techniques. Skyline3-60 is the optimal combination of classic sticky rubber and elasticsponge.HARDNESS: approximately 35-37°

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