
Dr.Neubauer A-B-S 2

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This new version A-B-S 2 was specifically developed for the new plastic and ABS balls in order to gain maximum effectiveness.As opposed to most other frictionless Anti-Spin rubbers on the market, A-B-S 2 also unveils its full potential with the new so-called ABS balls: Incredibly short and low blocking can be produced without the ball popping up.The rubber will produce very good spin reversal against spinning loops.Most importantly, passive blocking against fast topspin shots without spin will produce a "diving" ball causing trouble to your opponent, despite the lack of rotation.A-B-S 2 guarantees great control and makes it easy to find the right angle for the bat while blocking, even against very powerful attacking shots.Despite its very low speed the rubber will also enable you to change the rhythm of the game through aggressive pushing and thus confuse your opponent.The rubber's outstanding control will enable you to reach maximum effectiveness even on fast blades.Available with dampening sponge with the following thickness: 2.1, 2.3 and 2.5mm2.1mm (best spin reversal, low speed)2.3mm (very good spin reversal, even lower speed, very good control)2.5mm (still very good spin reversal, slowest version, very good control)

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