
Nexy Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC

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The Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC' has an Inner Fiber; construction for the best topspin efficiency when theABS ball is used. It is based on 5-layer wood construction, with 2 layers of ALC inserted under thesecond layer in order to reduce the unnatural feeling caused by synthetic fibers. ALC in Yoo NamKyu Pro ALC; is woven anisotropically. The arylate fiber is placed vertically for better ball hold and asofter overall feel, and the carbon fiber is placed horizontally for a more precise and exciting feeling atthe fingertip. Both types of fibers provide much better energy efficiency than pure wood structuresduring the process of deformation and re-expansion of the blade surface. As a result, the Yoo Nam KyuPro ALC offers easy control and at the same time high power for topspins. A comfortable, naturaland balanced feel is another advantage of the Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC.The Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC' is recommended for players who play with continuous topspin or veryaggressive topspin close to the table. With the Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC professional or highly qualifiedamateur players can easily perform very difficult topspins. However, the Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC is notjust a blade for experienced players. Thanks to its easy handling, the Yoo Nam Kyu Pro ALC is alsorecommended for players at a lower level who mainly want to play with topspin.

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