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For a long time and the most part, Stiga has developed and produced all of their rubbers in Japan. Now, same as all other major table tennis brands, they collaborate with a German rubber factory. The rubbers of the DNA Pro series are the first Stiga rubbers to be produced in said German rubber factory. They were developed in a joint effort of German experts and members of both the Swedish and Chinese National teams to create a rubber for the modern offensive playing style. All three rubbers in the series are quite hard, with the hardest being H, at 50 degrees, M, in the middle, at 47.5 degrees, and the softest, S. One could say that this is a paradox, of sorts. The S usually stands for "soft". However here, the S version is actually mid-hard (42.5 degrees, to be exact). The sponges have larger pores as well, which Stiga says helps provide a better feel and a crisp, clear sound when hitting the ball.

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