
Tibhar Fortino Pro Series

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"The fastest blade among the TIBHAR SUPER STRONG SERIES. Thanks to a fabric made from carbon and Dyneema® fibres, ‘the world’s strongest fibre™’, this 7-ply wood provides good stability, vibrations are reduced to the minimum and the sweet spot increased.Offensive players who do not like compromises and need to make the most of their blade in all playing situations are guaranteed good ball-feedback. The high-end fabric of this FORTINO variant is located under the surface layers and permits a harder service and you can play dynamic topspins with more penetrative power. The high-end fibre comes into its own in a game of block and counter and the penetration power of your strokes is extraordinary. Especially with regard to the different plastic balls and needs the realization of this wood took very long. The result is a next-generation attack wood and an ideal solution for offensive players, not only in professional sports.

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