
Victas Quartet LFC

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VICTAS Quartet LFC is a very light blade with great feel for modern offensive players. By using the highly flexible Line Carbon synthetic fibre, the VICTAS designers were able to reduce the overall weight and thickness of Quartet LFC to approx. 86g and 5.3 mm, respectively. This optimized DSE design provides for great handling performance, giving any offensive player everything they need to take their play to a new level.All VICTAS blades featuring DSE technology are based on 5 carefully selected wood veneers combined with 2 high-tech fibre materials. In all VICTAS blades, the first synthetic fibre layer is applied directly on the core ply, which guarantees highly stable bouncing and produces great speed. The outer Fleece Carbon layer generates extra speed and great feel thanks to the slightly softer fibre texture. The Double Synergy Effect of the two synthetic fibre materials and the well-balanced wooden plies guarantees magnificent feel at high speed.

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