
Victas V > 01

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It is the mission of VICTAS, the innovative brand from Japan, to provideambitious players with the best materials possible. After many years ofresearch and development, the German and Japanese material experts(GJ Tec) succeeded in developing a rubber which meets the highrequirements of professionals and will be fun to play by players of alllevels alike. The new “Power & Balance” philosophy of the V > 01 rubbercombines the power of topspin bombs with feel and precision in yourplay, so that you remain in control at all times. This sensational feel isthe result of the slightly harder, open-pore 47.5° high-performancesponge which provides for a more direct, thus more controlled touchenabling precise placing of the ball. In hard-hit balls (e.g. topspin,smash), the air chambers of the open-pore sponge are compressed,which results in longer ball contact. This virtually makes the V > 01rubber explode, catapulting the ball to your opponent's side at maximumspeed. The high-tension, spinny and extremely fast rubber withintegrated VICTAS High Energy Tension Technology gives every variabletopspin player the opportunity of utilizing their own offensive arsenal tothe fullest.

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