
Xiom Solo

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Unique 7-Ply offensive blade for all-round topspin players. Exceptional stability from high level of predictability.SOLO is a unique 7-ply blade which is developed for continuous topspin or all-round strategy. Though it has 7-ply construction, its feel isn�t hard as players are apt to imagine from conventional 7-ply blades. Solo is soft, mild, balanced, and full of stability. And, the linear relationship between impact strength and the level of rebound provides ideal predictability and reproducibility. The result is exceptional stability and ease of use. Every technique of table tennis is so easy with SOLO. Topspin is quite easy and full of rotation. Hard smash is very safe and full of speed. Block is secure and full of variation. These advantages give players great confidence, and making their table tennis more all-around, and more powerful.

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